The monograph of the Church of Saint-Sulpice-des-Landes

Discover the lovely monograph on the church of Saint-Sulpice-des-Landes, published by Grand-Patrimoine de Loire-Atlantique.

La collection

The monograph on the church of the Vieux-Bourg de Saint-Sulpice-des-Landes was written by Christian Davy, PhD in art history and former researcher with the Inventaire du Patrimoine des Pays de la Loire. In it, he describes the intriguing little church located in a village called Le Vieux-Bourg between Ancenis and Châteaubriant. In particular, he explains details about the paintings on the walls of the medieval church. The book features photographs and enhanced content.

Readers will learn more about the church’s mysterious history and exceptional murals.

More information on this monograph (in French)

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